AlgoWorld Token White Paper

  • January 15, 2022
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A detailed White Paper of the AlgoWorld Token is now available, taking into account the last updates in token allocation and distribution. These adjustments are made to distribute AWT faster, allowing a significant part of the total supply to be in the hands of the community in roughly 2 years, instead of 10 years in the initial roadmap. Furthermore, the mechanics of city building is simplified: it is no longer needed to have a country card to build new cities.

Download the White Paper

AlgoWorld Token White Paper (rev 1)

Main updates

  • It is not necessary to own a country card to build a city
  • You get more city cards if you have a country card of the city you build
  • The country and city rewards are sent weekly instead of monthly
  • A dedicated fund of 1,000,000 AWT is introduced to reward AWT liquidity providers on Tinyman

Table of AWT allocation

AWT Amount
Country cards rewards 3,000,000
City cards rewards 3,000,000
AlgoWorld Fund (sales and liquidity for AMM) 1,200,000
Liquidity providers rewards 1,000,000
Compensation for early buyers 41,500
Games 550,000
Giveaways 50,000
AWT for further allocation 1,158,500
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Total supply 10,000,000